Monday 26 January 2009

Drugs are bad, m'kay?

Dear Diary,

It's an awful shame that so many of our young people are turning to drugs these days. Why just today I read a review of our latest single by a poor guy who was obviously smoking the crack.

As has been well documented, the crack makes people get very agitated and their attention span diminishes to near-zero - hence this guy's assertion that "after my first day of listening, I have tired of the U2 format". Sure of course he has! The poor fella would've tired of a roller-coaster after about 5 seconds.

Then, as if slipping further down spiral of drug-induced delirium, he went on to say, "This new single does not have the original, going-against-the-grain factor that might suggest the new U2 album will be any different from the last two decent albums".

Now I don't need to point out the flaws in his logic to you, a non-drug-fiend. But it think it goes without saying that How To Dismantle An Atomic Bomb was pretty much received as the only peer of The White Album, and I personally heard numerous people saying that if John Lennon wasn't dead he'd have killed himself on the spot upon having heard All That You Can't Leave Behind knowing that he would never better it, so what he's on about with "decent albums" I've no idea.

As if to add insult to injury, the little guy goes on to bafflingly ask, "Is it time to... ask if there any need for another U2 album?". I mean, come on - is there any need for another Mandella, another Picasso, another Gandhi? You're fuckin right there is.

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