Wednesday 21 January 2009

Hit me baby, one more time

Dear Diary,

Angelina Jolie and Madonna have been pissing me right off over the past while. I mean, what the fuck is with them adopting all these babies? They're grabbing black ones, brown ones, yellow ones, strawberry-filled, chocolate-coated ones - the works!

I wouldn't mind one bit if they were being discreet about it, building up their collection away from the media spotlight, but every time they get a new one it's front page news - "Gotta Catch 'Em All: Angelina adopts new baby".

I'm at my wits end with it all. Do you know how many intensely meaningful and profound quotes from yours truly have been relegated to the middle pages of newspapers due to them two hogging the headlines? I'm seriously considering putting my own kids up for adoption, simply so I can readopt them at a later date.

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